There has been competition between DLX and Eclipse for the top paintball markers brand for the last ten years. But Eclipsed always ruled due to its best guns model like CS2 or LV2. Now DLX dominating over Eclipse with its advanced and powerful Luxe X and Tm40 markers.
So I took a step to get a LUXE TM40 and played many summer games. Let’s get into the details of my personal experience with TM40.
Inside the Box

Luxe TM40 came with impressive packaging, perfect to keep a $1500 luxurious gun. I liked the hardcore box and handlebar. Within the box, there was a manual book about the working of the gun.
Moreover, the box includes the charging cables, cover for the barrel, and Allen keys. You can use these Allen keys to do some changes to your gun. Next, there is also a whole tool set with O-Rings. These extra rings are helpful for later use because they can get damaged. It also has a two-piece barrel along with other types of equipment. For the tightening of bolts, you will also have lubricants in Luxe’s box.
Look and Feel
Are you thinking why should get this marker as it is the same as its previous version? I also got this question in my mind while purchasing it. But my mind got clear after holding this gun in my hand. I felt the impactful modifications in this version. You can easily separate the tm40 for cleaning and also will like its easy switch to mechanics. So it will save you time in cleaning the gun after every game.
DLX Luxe X and Luxe Ice have strong positions and market petitions. Enduring the legacy, they made the TM40 very lightweight, delicate, and robust. The comparison occurs in terms of mechanical and engine working.
Redesigned Core
When you buy a new model gun, you’d naturally assume it to have some electronic features, right? Well, the TM40 blames that fashion. Instead of an electronic essential, it’s been improved with a revamped mechanical core that effortlessly mixes with the bolt system. The compatibility is so striking that it feels fast like a Ferrari’s acceleration. Even though it’s not an electronic core, it’s cracking targets with the speed of light.
Now, here’s the exciting part – this core sets the TM40 separate from the core of Luxe X. While the Luxe X worked at a pressure of 115 PSI, the TM40 functions powerfully at a lower 100 PSI. So you’re getting an entirely new level of accuracy with the TM40’s sole core design.
Some components are modified in this version and the new look is given to enhance the mechanical core efficiency. It makes sure for good airflow and even function with fragile paintball.
I have observed many paintball markers find it challenging to work with the complex paintball during the game. A hard ball doesn’t recoil and is destined to disrupt. Nevertheless, this marker functioning mechanical core at 100 PSI and even handle complex paintball is next level.
The overall performance of the Luxe tm40 gun was very smooth and noiseless. During the setup of the barrel, the O ring was a little bit hard to assemble together into the marker. To soften the O-rings, you can use the lubricant included in the box to do the task effortlessly.

I found the TM40’s efficiency very much better than the Luxe X. It will assist you to give tough time to your rival in the game with consistent shooting. I have a sense that the threading of smart sections might get a similar untying as in cocker threads over a while. However, up till now, they look to be holding up amply. Additionally, I observed that one of the eye protectors is slightly insecure, causing slight shakiness. Each time I removed the bolt and I felt worried about its durability. Opposing my expectations, it proved robust and performed very well!
LUXE TM40 has a plane and round edges as compared to the Eclipse marker. Planet Eclipse paintball guns have wide-open edges. The timing of Gumboot is unbelievable for Luxe TM 40. Turning the switch on or off is also quick. The Luxe tm 40 has the same regulator as that of its prior version Luxe Ice. The ASA switch is also present that I like the most.
The charm doesn’t finish however this paintball gun is one of the most fantastic guns in the market.
DLX sticks to industry customs across its paintball marker ideas. What truly keeps this company apart is its mixing of both customer response and visions from pro players. It results in the making of outstanding paintball guns that make a noteworthy influence.
Unlike its old model, these are water–resistant and water-proof grips. It does not imply that you can wash into the water. It can resist some unintentional rainfall or water while having a game on a drizzling day.
Ergonomics Comparison with Planet Eclipse Markers?

In the TM40 version, the company made alterations in loader systems, tank design, and trigger mechanism, developing the ergonomic features of the Luxe TM40 gun. I noticed an enhancement in comfort with the front grip, trigger system, and various contact points.
Also, the trigger system shows striking performance. Though I did observe that the trigger pull is slightly weighty as contrasted to the Eclipse marker, and it carries a brittleness.
Final Thoughts
To sum up I will say Luxe TM40 is one of the easiest and high quality guns for the competition. I have played many games with it and it not once failed to impress me. It provides exceptional performance compared to old mid-range guns.
Whether you take the Luxe TM40 or X, it will help you spark in the tournament like a professional. Though, if you like upgraded performance, efficiency, and shoot excellence then you must get the Luxe TM40.